08 September 2011

A pause to play... Sade

I planned to write today's post as a goodbye-summer thing, cause the last days have been colder and colder... I was facing it: it's the end. Well, as I write this I can see through the window the sun shining hard, and the sky so blue it hurts being inside behind a desk. I'm pretty sure the termometer is already over 30ºC. So...

Dear St. Peter, they say you are the one controling the skies and the weather... Are you done kidding with us?? Wait, I'm not complaining. At all. I'm fine with the warm weather. Serious, we'll have enough cold months ahead, and frankly, was that even a summer? Never mind... let's go back to what I've started with.

When I think of songs that sounds like summer I always think of Sade. Don't know if it's her warm tone of voice, the sax solos, or the swinging rhythm. Probably it's the sum of it all. Her songs feel like sunset on the beach with a fresh fruity cocktail. Believe me. Make a pause, and play it.


"... There must have been an angel by my side
Something heavenly came down from above
He led me to you

He built a bridge to your heart
All the way
How many tons of love inside
I can't say

When I was led to you
I knew you were the one for me
I swear the whole world could feel my heartbeat..."

I could have chosen another dozen of her songs, but this one speaks dearest to my heart. Simple lyrics, but beautiful and intense. This is one of the songs we chose for our wedding day soundtrack, so it will allways be special.

Go ahead, enjoy this last summer days.


Your thoughts are always welcome! Go ahead and say what you feel like, even if is just an hello.

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